Friday, January 24, 2014

Glass Mystery Object! What is it?

Do you recognize this mysterious glass object? 
Someone suggested it was part of an old lightning rod, but the shape isn't right. 

The mysterious part is, it's stuffed with hanks of something that resembles human hair- see third photo. 

The glass is clear with a blue color coating that's starting to flake off (this is a sign of cheap glass, and maybe 30-60 years old, give or take. Anyway, it's no 200-year-old heirloom). It smells like garden soil. It's 5" tall and the thickness of the glass makes it too heavy to be a good Christmas ornament. Maybe a light bulb cover for an old gas station or carnival ride- but what's with the hair?

Guesses? Superstitions? Is it a variation on a "witch ball?" (Not a "witch bottle"; that's something different).

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