Somehow another two weeks have passed without a post.
I've had nothing good to say, really, so I've said nothing.
This picture sums it up nicely:

Most people, if they have heard of Mercury retrograde, think it is a lot of superstitious nonsense. I can't argue with that. It does seem silly to say it's all the fault of a few errant planets. However, insane things happen in my life about three times a year, coinciding like clockwork with the times Mercury goes retrograde, and I have learnt to know when they are and be careful.I've had nothing good to say, really, so I've said nothing.
This picture sums it up nicely:
So, the last two weeks have included over a week of anxiety attacks and/or gluten symptoms, as bad as I've ever had. I've been logging my food, so I KNOW I didn't have any gluten...just the symptoms.
A friend's emergency gallbladder surgery.
A mystery package that I took to be an attempt to scam me, that turned out to be a random gift from a family member. My sister got one too. We are both mystified as to why.
A party. Everyone either declined the invitation or didn't answer, so I cancelled it. Then 2 days before it happened, some of them changed their minds, so we threw things together at the last minute to host 3 adults and 5 hyperactive children.
My husband hit a deer on Friday, so now we need to shop for a car. I'm afraid to do it before retrograde is over, as there is a better-than-usual chance it will catch fire or the wheels will fall off or something. Will probably spend a good deal of this month car-shopping, a stressful pastime if there ever was one, while trying to stall actually buying one.
So I'm taking a week off from updates. Just not feeling up to it. Try again next week.
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