Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tipsy ghosts

A couple weeks ago I posted a picture of the baby deer skull and mini brown bottles that I found while thrifting. Well, I found a use for the bottles.

I was thinking of those hanky ghosts that people sometimes hang on trees outside at Halloween time. Well, sometimes they're made with handkerchiefs, but more often it's a square of white fabric wrapped around a ping pong ball.  Not much to speak of. I thought I'd make them more elaborate, with sculpted hands and silly expressions. Then I'd hang them so they seemed to be swigging from the brown bottle, and call them tipsy ghosts. I thought it might make them more personal if they came with their own limerick, and that's where the plan hit a snag. I'm a lousy poet.

After 3 days all I have is this one:

Willie the drunk was a bastard
Often seen publicly plastered
When he fumbled a match
He went up like dry thatch
And half of the town followed after

Which is meaner than it is funny, and doesn't fit any of the ghostly personalities. I'll give this plan some more thought. In the meantime, pictures:

The photos are giving me trouble too, because the dark brown bottles are barely showing up. I'll have to give it another try tonight. Will have these on Etsy within a couple days.

In the meantime my to-do list is drag out my renfair clothes and see if they still fit, SEO for Etsy, and start a pirate Santa.
Yes, pirate Santa. Where did you think all that loot came from?

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