Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's not the Bridge to Terebithia or anything

It is just a stream, on one level, and yet..... Joseph Campbell would have a lot to say about the symbolism of it all.

 I'm rewatching Revolutionary Girl Utena, which is just chock full of every kind of symbolism and allegory imaginable. Geeknights has started an episode-by-episode review on Youtube, where they point out some things I missed before. 

And of course Utena paraphrases a passage from Demian, by Hermann Hesse, which was a good read and also chock full of symbolism. In reading about Demian, I ran across a new word (an extreme rarity!) Bildungsroman.

Trying to remember the word for the moment illustrated here, but it escapes me. Maybe next time!

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